Sunday, June 28, 2009

Corn ON The Cob

Well corn is one of my favourite foods ,so I thought I'd share how I like to cook it.

  1. De husk the corn and clean it of the best you can.
  2. Drop a steamer basket at the bottom of a good sized pan .
  3. Ad about a half inch of water to 3/4 inch .
  4. Pile all the corn on top the steamer basket .
  5. Put lid on the pan .
  6. turn the stove on high tell boiling then turn to medium heat .
  7. Time 15 minutes .

I like to eat my corn on the cob with butter salt and pepper

I love to steam my corn because growing up my mom would boil it .
What I've noticed when I steam cook the flaver is so much better .
So my hopes with this blog is to give people more options for good eating.